Ayurvedic Massage Oils | Peace of mind with massage |
Ayurvedic Massage Oils
Ayurvedic Massage Oils - that gives you instant relief from fatigue and mental stress.
Our young generation is very much disturbed by
fatigue. However, the reason for this fatigue is not to do too much manual. Youngsters are busy with sitting or standing in one place or doing more such tasks in which they become mentally battered but do not consume even one calorie physically ... In such a situation it is common to have daily fatigue, stress, irritability etc. If you are also troubled by any such problem, then do give a massage to these 5 oils.
Ayurvedic Massage Oils - Lavender oil |
Ayurvedic Massage Oils - Lavender oil
The scent of lavender oil calms the mind. This causes our mental stress to lose. Its sweet smell is soothing and extremely relaxing. To massage it, take two teaspoons of castor oil and add a few drops of essential lavender oil to it. Massage the entire body with the prepared mix oil. Not only stress and fatigue, but also the problem of acne will be removed from the skin.
Ayurvedic Massage Oils - Charmomile oil |
Ayurvedic Massage Oils - Chamomile oil
Chamomile oil is called indigo flower in native language. There are two types of chamomile oil in the market, which can be applied on the body. These are Roman Chamomile Oil and German Chamomile Oil. Both are excellent for the skin and excellent for removing fatigue. In women, these oils give a lot of relief in cramps that occur during periods.
Ayurvedic Massage Oils - Peppermint Oil
Due to the presence of
Menthol, the peppermint oil's smell gives instant peace of mind. This oil provides instant relief from fatigue, stomach pain, stomach cramps, period pain, headache, lower back pain in women, etc.
Ayurvedic Massage Oils - UK lipase oil
Like Peppermint oil, UK lipase oil is also a reliever to fatigue, pain and cramps in the mind and body. It reduces inflammation of the body and keeps the skin healthy due to its antibacterial properties.
Ayurvedic Massage Oils - Rosemary essential oil |
Ayurvedic Massage Oils - Rosemary essential oil
Rosemary essential oil was also used in older times as a medicine to increase memory. From this you can understand how useful this oil is. Taking rosemary oil steam provides instant relief in headaches. It also works to relieve joint pain. That means complete fatigue of office disappeared in an instant.
Ayurvedic Massage Oils | Peace of mind with massage |